Apostolic Christian Church of AmericaThis is the official denominational website of the Apostolic Christian Church of America.
HarvestCall proclaims Christ and serves others throughout the world, so that despair and suffering may be alleviated, hearts and minds are transformed and churches are established and nurtured, to the glory of God.
Provides information, referrals, consultations, and counseling for mental health issues and relationship problems; training in Biblical financial stewardship; topical presentations.
Develops, publishes, and distributes religious materials that promote the spiritual growth and religious training of the Apostolic Christian Church of America.
Gateway Woods is an outreach ministry of the Apostolic Christian Church of America that works to reinforce, build, and unify families. The ministry operates a family-focused residential child care program in Leo, IN and a foster care and adoption program.
Opportunities for lifetime or longer-term charitable gifts within the framework of the church for the benefit of its charities and organizations.
'Casa Vida y Esperanza (CVE) in English translates to: 'House of Life and Hope'. CVE is a HarvestCall outreach located in Northern Mexican state of Sonora, directly below Arizona (about 2 hrs. south of Tucson). CVE exists to: Mentor young lives with the truth, love, and hope of Jesus Christ for today and forever. This includes meeting their physical, mental, and spiritual needs through education, training, and the security and stability of a home life.'